Längtar efter att få höra din röst, se ditt fina leende, känna värmen från din famn och passionen i dina kyssar.. Hela dagen har jag gått runt och velat ringa dig.
Jag har haft ditt nummer framme på displayen men lagt den åt sidan igen.
Jag vill verkligen ge dig all den tid du behöver men jag saknar dig så otroligt mycket.
Jag kan knappt tänka på dig utan att tårarna börjar rinna nerför mina kinder..
Inget annat verkar spela någon roll längre.
Hoppas att vi ses imorgon...
Puss Din Angelica
Love of today
How or why is it so hard to describe a feeling?
Are words simply not enough to tell what's going on inside of your heart, body and soul?
I lie awake at night trying to find a way to show you all those fellings I can't tell you about..
How I miss you every day,
every minut, every second of every day I miss you and think about you..
I try to keep my tears but it's just too hard.
I do believe this will never go away, whatever happens in the future there will always be this connection between ous.
It will nerver cease, nerver stop to exisist.
No matter how hard we try to deny it..
Love like ours does not go away.
Just look back at the time that has past, did we ever stop loving each other?
We never even stopped saying the words..
Somehow we always found a way to be close, to say the things we felt.
I wish I could show you the difference this time..
Nothing else matters.
Not our age or the time in our lives,
the things we are about to do and the things we are doing right now.
We can still do all those things and have our love together.
We just have to realize it.
I can see now why we made it so hard.
We were afraid, or at least I was afraid.
But if you only get one life you can't go around being scared
of the decisions you sometimes have make.
My heart belongs only to you and it always will.
Do you remember the time I sang you this song?
Are words simply not enough to tell what's going on inside of your heart, body and soul?
I lie awake at night trying to find a way to show you all those fellings I can't tell you about..
How I miss you every day,
every minut, every second of every day I miss you and think about you..
I try to keep my tears but it's just too hard.
I do believe this will never go away, whatever happens in the future there will always be this connection between ous.
It will nerver cease, nerver stop to exisist.
No matter how hard we try to deny it..
Love like ours does not go away.
Just look back at the time that has past, did we ever stop loving each other?
We never even stopped saying the words..
Somehow we always found a way to be close, to say the things we felt.
I wish I could show you the difference this time..
Nothing else matters.
Not our age or the time in our lives,
the things we are about to do and the things we are doing right now.
We can still do all those things and have our love together.
We just have to realize it.
I can see now why we made it so hard.
We were afraid, or at least I was afraid.
But if you only get one life you can't go around being scared
of the decisions you sometimes have make.
My heart belongs only to you and it always will.
Do you remember the time I sang you this song?
"The Reason"
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You
And the reason is You
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
love of today
Curly Sue she called me.
Those were the first words I heard today and they made me think of you..
Do you remember the first time you played that song to me?
I was in the bath and you sat by the computer,
playing some music and then you put on Curly Sue by Takida.
You raised the volume, got up and in to the bathroom,
sat down by my side and gave me one of those long warm kisses
filled with your love...
Those were the first words I heard today and they made me think of you..
Do you remember the first time you played that song to me?
I was in the bath and you sat by the computer,
playing some music and then you put on Curly Sue by Takida.
You raised the volume, got up and in to the bathroom,
sat down by my side and gave me one of those long warm kisses
filled with your love...
Your strength is so hard to find,
I feel so much stronger now,
the feeling´s alright.
Your words make me whole again,
those eyes cannot ever lie,
you´re so divine
I´m not ever alone, you´re not ever alone
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found,
I´m in deep debt,
without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m not ever alone
Your smile is heavenly,
I don´t deserve all the love that you'r giving to me
Your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver´s around me now,
you´re so fine
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found,
I´m in deep debt,
without you I wouldn´t survive
The heart is pumping for my life,
the mind is happy and I will love you to the day I die
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
the glory you found,
I´m in deep debt,
without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found,
I´m in deep debt,
without you I wouldn´t survive
Lie in the sound
I love you more than I should
So much more than is good for me
More than is good
Oh the timing is cruel
Oh I need and don't want to need
More than I should
I am falling, say my name
And I'll lie in the sound
What is love, but whatever
My heart needs around
Oh my sheet is so thin
So I say I can't sleep
because It's so very cold
Oh but I know what I need
And if you were just near to me
Would you go...
I am falling, say my name
And I'll lie in the sound
What is love, but whatever
My heart needs around
I am falling, say my name
And I'll lie in the sound
What is love, but whatever
My heart needs around
And it needs you too much now
Räknar ner
Varför är det ibland så svårt att uttrycka vad man egentligen vill,
att tiden skulle vara ett hinder känns ganska overkligt med tanke på vad vi har gått igenom..
All min tid går åt att försöka komma fram till ett svar,
fastän att jag redan vet det så vill jag om och om försäkra mig om att det ska vara rätt..
Jag hoppas och tror att det jag gör kommer att leda till det som känns rätt i varje del av mig..
att tiden skulle vara ett hinder känns ganska overkligt med tanke på vad vi har gått igenom..
All min tid går åt att försöka komma fram till ett svar,
fastän att jag redan vet det så vill jag om och om försäkra mig om att det ska vara rätt..
Jag hoppas och tror att det jag gör kommer att leda till det som känns rätt i varje del av mig..
It's not logical - it's emotional
- love - feelings - love - thoughts - love -
I believe
I hope
I trust
I want
I love
I want
I trust
I hope
I believe
It is not logical - It is emotional
Plus/Minus - Ok?
Är det fortfarnade okej att göra för och emot listor?
Känns lite B men jag tror nog att många saker kan lösas med den taktiken.
Kanske även mina problem eller rättare sagt min osäkerhet och vilsenhet..
Det blir iaf plan A, eller en del av den.. Jag kanske borde ha en backup plan men å andra sidan så brukar jag inte behöva någon sådan. Så om det inte blir som jag tänkt mig så är det nog bara att gå vidare, glömma och börja om på nytt..
Under tiden som jag bestämmer mig för om jag ska genomföra plan A så kan jag ju fortsätta plugga. Prov på huden på tisdag nästa vecka och frans/bryn prov på fredan.. Och jag borde verkligen ta tag i det, inte mkt tid att plugga i helgen när Madie kommer på visit..*ler*

I helgen blir det måla väggen, en sväng till IKEA, baka pepparkakor, plugga, öva på Madie och SOVA SOVA SOVA...
love you babe..
“Are we sure it really exists. Are we sure that it is a feeling, or maybe a thought. Is it possible that we just make it up, this Love thing, to have a meaning in life.”
You can’t touch Love, but you can feel it. It might seem hard to reach, and you can’t decide over it, whether you want it or not. Sometimes it comes to you. Warm and welcoming, like the sun, it rises, embraces you. It gives a feeling of safety, for a while. It smiles at you; makes you let go and do things on impulse. You stop care about things that before seemed so important. It’s like becoming someone else, another part of you. A more beautiful, harmonious, caring and open you. You dream away, your head in the clouds, for a while you don’t care for anything but your Love.
But just like the sun goes down Love can faint, disappear or die out. Leaving empty spaces in your mind and in the corners of your heart. It can turn your whole world upside-down; make you sad or angry, in total non understanding. Where did it go.. Why and how can Love not last forever, if you once been lucky to have found it. Is that also the way it goes. Away, lost. To another Love. Do you get more then one Love and if.
“How many Loves do one get in a lifetime..”
“Are Love limited..”
My first real Love, perhaps my only Love, came to in my early teenage. So sweet, so lovely, soft and tender. Like when two becomes one. Always together, making each other complete. But then also dark, with unfaithfulness, lies, confusion and trouble. It became consuming and inconvenient. Attraction and passion was soon replaced with argues and fights. This went on and on until theLove was so damaged we broke it of. Along the road came other Loves, small once, almost non meaningful.
It felt like a lifetime past by, and then we found each other again. Somehow we made sense once more, together we were strong. We found comfort, we relied in each other, we had found a way back in to Love. But not for very long. The past caught up with us, poisoned our minds, turned us against each other, leaving cracks all over our Love. Once more we broke it of, in hope to find something better, in hope to find new Love..
But every time we believed to have found something, it turned out not to be Love, but a substitute for trying to move on.. Every time we found ourselves lost in confusion and frustration, because of the Love we just could not get over, we found a way back to each other. Like a pattern it grew and became more and more unreliable, consuming and after a time heartbreaking.
“What had we done with our Love. Did we lose it along the way. Did we kill it. Or did we just not appreciate it.”
Long time has past since that Love first came to us. Still though, the memories, the feelings and the Love that only you and I shared is in my mind, always with me..
You can’t touch Love, but you can feel it. It might seem hard to reach, and you can’t decide over it, whether you want it or not. Sometimes it comes to you. Warm and welcoming, like the sun, it rises, embraces you. It gives a feeling of safety, for a while. It smiles at you; makes you let go and do things on impulse. You stop care about things that before seemed so important. It’s like becoming someone else, another part of you. A more beautiful, harmonious, caring and open you. You dream away, your head in the clouds, for a while you don’t care for anything but your Love.
But just like the sun goes down Love can faint, disappear or die out. Leaving empty spaces in your mind and in the corners of your heart. It can turn your whole world upside-down; make you sad or angry, in total non understanding. Where did it go.. Why and how can Love not last forever, if you once been lucky to have found it. Is that also the way it goes. Away, lost. To another Love. Do you get more then one Love and if.
“How many Loves do one get in a lifetime..”
“Are Love limited..”
My first real Love, perhaps my only Love, came to in my early teenage. So sweet, so lovely, soft and tender. Like when two becomes one. Always together, making each other complete. But then also dark, with unfaithfulness, lies, confusion and trouble. It became consuming and inconvenient. Attraction and passion was soon replaced with argues and fights. This went on and on until theLove was so damaged we broke it of. Along the road came other Loves, small once, almost non meaningful.
It felt like a lifetime past by, and then we found each other again. Somehow we made sense once more, together we were strong. We found comfort, we relied in each other, we had found a way back in to Love. But not for very long. The past caught up with us, poisoned our minds, turned us against each other, leaving cracks all over our Love. Once more we broke it of, in hope to find something better, in hope to find new Love..
But every time we believed to have found something, it turned out not to be Love, but a substitute for trying to move on.. Every time we found ourselves lost in confusion and frustration, because of the Love we just could not get over, we found a way back to each other. Like a pattern it grew and became more and more unreliable, consuming and after a time heartbreaking.
“What had we done with our Love. Did we lose it along the way. Did we kill it. Or did we just not appreciate it.”
Long time has past since that Love first came to us. Still though, the memories, the feelings and the Love that only you and I shared is in my mind, always with me..
Almost as if someone knew and wanted to sing about it..
You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah, you PMS like a bitch
I would know
And you always think
Always speak cryptically
I should know
That you're no good for me
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You, you don't really wanna stay, no
You, but you don't really wanna go, oh
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
We used to be just like twins, so in sync
The same energy now's a dead battery
Used to laugh 'bout nothing
Now you're plain boring
I should know
That you're not gonna change
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You, you don't really wanna stay, no
You, but you don't really wanna go, oh
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
Someone call the doctor
Got a case of a love bipolar
Stuck on a rollercoaster
Can't get off this ride
You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You, you don't really wanna stay, no
You, but you don't really wanna go, oh
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down, down, down, down...
Mitt horoskop för dagen
Du ser ut att ha riktigt god tur idag och turen kan hjälpa dig i varierande sammanhang.
Bli dock inte för självsäker, egna misstag kan du fortfarande begå.
Du har en benägenhet att stressa, särskilt om du skall leda något.
Var försiktig så du inte överanstränger dig.
Kanske är det dags att kräva tillbaka alla de pengar som du varit snäll och lånat ut till folk.
Du råkar faktiskt behöva dem idag.
Försök tänka framåt så hinner du bättre med när dagarna nu känns så korta.
Du är kärleksfull just nu och öser ömhet över din partner.
Är du singel kan du kanske känna dig lite ensam.
I dina tankar finns just nu vänner som finns på annan ort.
Kanske planerar du ett sammanträffande inom en snar framtid.
Helt knäppt vad det stämmer vissa dagar..*ler*
Sex vanliga missar män gör i sängen
Dialog och samspel är två nyckelord för ett lyckat sexliv. Två saker som män ofta förbiser.
1. Mannen vet bäst:
Många män tar för givet att nuvarande flickvännen/frun gillar samma saker som hans ex gjorde. Vartefter man mognar utvecklas också ens sexrepertoar, men utgår aldrig från att det som fungerade med förra tjejen fungerar med nya. Var lyhörd!
2. Han tror han kan fixa allt på egen hand
Det finns kvinnor som inte kan få orgasm utan hjälp. Krävs det en takt på 3000 rps ( repetitioner per minut) finns det ingen man i världen som räcker till. Experterna tipsar männen att se en vibrator som medhjälpare och inte en konkurrent.
3. Han tror sex känns likadant för kvinnor som för män
Det är stor skillnad på vilken typ av sex kvinnor och män njuter av. Det kan vara svårt för mannen att föreställa sig att kvinnan inte känner samma njutning som han vid penetration, men hos kvinnor är de inre delarna av vaginan mindre känsliga än de yttre.
4 Han tror våt och kåt är samma sak
Många fokuserar på hur våt kvinnan är.
Det är en myt att bara för att en kvinna är våt så vill hon ha sex. Vissa kvinnor blir våtare än andra, men det kan bero på faktorer som stress eller mediciner.
5 Han är expert på kvinnlig anatomi
De flesta män hittar numera till klitoris utan karta. Men långt ifrån alla vet hur den fungerar. Måga män undrar varför deras flickvän inte kan få orgasm utan att klitoris stimuleras. Alla kvinnor är olika, det som känns bra för en är obehagligt för en annan. Bästa sättet att veta vad kvinnan föredrar är att fråga.
6 Han tror att tiga är guld
Många män gör misstaget att vara tysta under sexakten, men om man inte talar om vad man vill är det svårt för partnern att veta hur den ska göra. En kvinna som vill tillfredsställa sin man tar gärna emot vägledning om den ges på ett respektfullt sätt.
Hmm jo men till viss del kan nog detta stämma, eller?
1. Mannen vet bäst:
Många män tar för givet att nuvarande flickvännen/frun gillar samma saker som hans ex gjorde. Vartefter man mognar utvecklas också ens sexrepertoar, men utgår aldrig från att det som fungerade med förra tjejen fungerar med nya. Var lyhörd!
2. Han tror han kan fixa allt på egen hand
Det finns kvinnor som inte kan få orgasm utan hjälp. Krävs det en takt på 3000 rps ( repetitioner per minut) finns det ingen man i världen som räcker till. Experterna tipsar männen att se en vibrator som medhjälpare och inte en konkurrent.
3. Han tror sex känns likadant för kvinnor som för män
Det är stor skillnad på vilken typ av sex kvinnor och män njuter av. Det kan vara svårt för mannen att föreställa sig att kvinnan inte känner samma njutning som han vid penetration, men hos kvinnor är de inre delarna av vaginan mindre känsliga än de yttre.
4 Han tror våt och kåt är samma sak
Många fokuserar på hur våt kvinnan är.
Det är en myt att bara för att en kvinna är våt så vill hon ha sex. Vissa kvinnor blir våtare än andra, men det kan bero på faktorer som stress eller mediciner.
5 Han är expert på kvinnlig anatomi
De flesta män hittar numera till klitoris utan karta. Men långt ifrån alla vet hur den fungerar. Måga män undrar varför deras flickvän inte kan få orgasm utan att klitoris stimuleras. Alla kvinnor är olika, det som känns bra för en är obehagligt för en annan. Bästa sättet att veta vad kvinnan föredrar är att fråga.
6 Han tror att tiga är guld
Många män gör misstaget att vara tysta under sexakten, men om man inte talar om vad man vill är det svårt för partnern att veta hur den ska göra. En kvinna som vill tillfredsställa sin man tar gärna emot vägledning om den ges på ett respektfullt sätt.
Hmm jo men till viss del kan nog detta stämma, eller?
Vinter ide
Har tappat lusten för att skriva för tillfället, tror jag ska gå i ide ett tag framöver..
Eller iaf tills jag känner för att prata av mig igen..
Just nu är jag bara hungrig och sötsugen..
Dröm sött...
Eller iaf tills jag känner för att prata av mig igen..
Just nu är jag bara hungrig och sötsugen..
Dröm sött...
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